Wednesday, 9 March 2011


Always, always, always be doing something unless you're having leisure time. If you're at school/uni and have a free class, knock off some tute/home work. You'll find during your leisure times you will be more relaxed as you didn't waste time during the day. Same applies to work, get the work done and then slack off.

Set up templates in word, this saves heaps of time as you don't have to muck around every time you open a new document with the font etc.

Even though the topic is being efficient, do the best job you can with time permitting, everyone will respect you more. That being said don't waste time being over perfect.

Time is something you can never get back, just remember that when you dick around.


  1. "Time is the fire in which we burn" I think is one of the best quotes to ever come out of the Star Trek franchise. And you are absolutely right.

    I see you are just starting out, but I like what I see so far. Keep posting every day and I will continue to follow you! Pura Vida from Costa Rica!

  2. i rather slack off then do work, im actually really behind on some stuff right now

  3. True! it's better to do things in free time than waste it..

  4. So true D:

    Time is so easy to waste.

  5. I used to get all my work knocked out during the early half of the semester. If teachers gave me a syllabus with all the assignments on it? That was a total cheat sheet for me to get ahead. You know that time at the beginning of the semester where people are getting back together after break and having fun? Not me. And then at the end of the semester, when all my friends were cramming, I'd just have fun. It kind of ticked some of my roommates off, but whatever. Feels good man.

  6. i really really hate being unefficient, everywhere i go everything i do i feel the need to be as efficient as possible, but that might be because im such a perfectionist

  7. So simple yet so effective....

  8. Efficiency is what I do. Always looking for ways to be even more efficient.

  9. Keep it simple and effective.
    And I agree - don't waste too much time on perfecting details.

  10. very good advices, thanks!!

  11. Thanks mate! I will use this strategy today! :)

  12. Very good tips! I used to finish tons of homework in my spare blocks so I'd have time to dick around at home =D

  13. but leisure doesn't necessarily have to be a waste of time. it can help the mind recover

  14. This is very true, more please :) following!

  15. I'm secure in my lack of efficiency, but thanks for the post.
